Living Water Christian Center
of Frederic, Michigan
Our Values
Knowing God – We actively pursue and maintain a growing personal relationship with God. Seeking ever-increasing intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is our top priority in life.
Making Him Known – Out of this intimate experiential knowledge of Him, we share the Lord with others both near and far by being intentionally and strategically involved in making disciples, raising leaders of all ages and winning people to Christ both locally and internationally.
Generosity – Because we have received so much from Him, we cannot help but be like Him as generous givers of our time, talent and material resources—to Him and toward His Kingdom’s advancement on the earth.
Prayer – Our deepest desire and heartcry is, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth—in us and through us—as it is in Heaven!” Our lifestyle includes talking with and listening to Him—functioning more and more as a house of prayer for all nations.
Worship – We were created to enjoy Him and acknowledge His worth forever. That’s why praise and worship—as well as God’s manifest presence in our midst—are such high priorities. We want to live transformed lives plugged in to His presence.
Obedience – In humility and surrender, our King’s wish is our command. His guidance is our direction. What He says orders all of our who, what, when, where and how.
Word – We give ourselves to reading, hearing, studying, meditating and speaking God’s Word. Our desire is to put into practice and share— His grace enabling us—all that we learn of and from Him.
Holy Spirit – Knowing that the fullness of the Holy Spirit is for today, we discover our God-given gifts and exercise them according to His will. This builds up His body, communicates His truth and demonstrates His love in personal and powerful ways.
Community – We need each other in the local body of Christ. So we pursue healthy relationships—especially with other believers—regularly meeting together, eating together, worshiping together and serving together…all to the glory of God!